Our Concept: Community Love

Hi! Just wanted to introduce ourselves. We are just a couple of people, who happen to be married, who believe in small business as the heart of the American community. We created, developed, and sold a small business concept that is a watershed of people, ideas, art, and conversations where people can feel connected, nourished, and enriched. We want to spread the food love, and ultimately the small business love, as we promote the creation of small businesses in America’s towns, no matter how big or small.  Explore our posts, follow our adventures, and see what and who inspire both our food and business ideas. We invite you to be a part of our journey as a mom n pop owner, and believe in the dream yourself. Our biggest goal is to inspire others to create positive spaces in financially responsible ways. Find out how we started, who we are, and where our mom n pop takes us in life. We’d love nothing more than for you to join this mom n pop movement, as we all search for the heart of the American Dream, and reinvent a bright, hopeful, and community-centered future for our home.



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